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Infinite Heart Sacred Healing
Akashic Records Grand Opening Party
Saturday November 19th
Kin 220 Yellow Crystal Sun
Free Admission, 11am – 9pm
1107 Oak Street, Between Broderick and Divisadero in San Francisco
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Vibro-Acoustics Therapies | Akashic Records Opening | Rife Technology Demos | Activational Jewelry | Tacionized Products | Ju Ju Juice Bar
Hosted by
Sera Soma | Akashic Records | Ju Ju juice Bar | Sear Sphere | The Awakening Project
Dedicate your enlightenment through universalizing your life-force with the element of fire, crystalizing cooperation Seraphim angelic energies guide your free will for transformational self-healing.
Join us for a free event unlike any other. Infinite Heart Sacred Healing showcases advanced healing and wellness technologies including vibro-acoustic tables and chairs, the newly developed Accu-Tuners, Royal Rife electro-medicine tools, original Activational Jewelry from Ananda Ji and Tacionized products & protections with fifth dimensional body amplificational qualities. Sessions provided to introduce you to the latest in sound, light and frequency healing techniques. Sign up for new-be discount rates on future sound healing and Rife Machine sessions. Galactic spiritual counseling and galactic teaching available from Stas Rutkowski, founder of The Awakening Project.
This multi-dimensional gathering also celebrates the opening of Akashic Records. An audio studio and record label. premiering the recently high definition surround sound recorded bell activations of Karma Moffett, world renowned Tibetan bell master. Immerse yourself into the Sera Sphere HD surround sound presentation environment from our custom developed sound chair.
Our vibro-acoustic meditation garden allows you to experience 300 year old varieties of ancient dun-scrub plant medicine within a crystal mandala matrix. In-vibe inner space exploration while connecting yourself to the etheric planetary grid Gian energies.
Refreshment provided by Ju Ju Juice Bar. Custom creations include almond milk shakes, Amazon Herb elixirs and aloe-icious green fruit drinks. Sip and socialize from our 3d black-light gallery & lounge featuring commissioned art from South Africa, Australia, Ohio and beyond.
For more information visit:,,,
Quantum Yoga Improv by Alpha Lo
October 19th – November 16th
5 week series for $125 every Wednesday 7:00 – 9:30pm.
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Ishtar Antares San Francisco Workshops
September 30th, October 1st, October 2nd.
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Quantum Healing
7-9pm Thurs Aug 25th 848 Divisadero, SF
Suggested Donation $7-$30 no one turned away for lack of funds
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This first of it’s kind participatory event features sacred dance, ethereal movement and yoga. Explore advanced new theories downloaded in a joint effort between physicist and author Alpha Lo and medium Karen McChrystal. Experience a new way of approaching postures with Mali Burgess. Sample liquid acupuncture with reiki master Alison Ebata.
Sacred Dance of Mystic Physics
with Alpha Lo
Learn how science ,spirit and art intersect. Join Alpha on an artistic communal exploration of the physics of the subtle realms. We’ll journey into deeper places of the psyche and our collective consciousness field where we can tap into higher ways of knowing. In higher mind we’ll manifest a inner and global healing together.
The Yoga of Self Healing
with Mali Burgess
Experientially explore how the use of deep relaxation, focused attention, and breath combined with body movement and postures can provide a unique and powerful form of self-healing through the release of tension, allowing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of body consciousness to integrate.
Latest Details and RSVP on The Awakening Project Tribe
Advance Consciousness with the vibrational signature of Ayahuasca
Join Us for Sacred Journey 8/19 12:30-9:30pm
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Transcending Substance
This advanced technique is accomplished utilizing the LIFE System, the most advanced quantum vibrational technology available.
This is a great intro to the powerful world of ayahuasca plant medicine, cutting-edge of human wellness technologies and hands on healing provided by a committed group of shamans and healers. People commonly report a new found sense of unity and the oneness with the fabric of the matrix of super consciousness.
Having recently returned from the Peruvian Amazon, Crestone Colorado healer Naomi Lake will guide the group through this powerfully transformative journey utilizing poetized water imbued with the vibrational signature of ayahuasca. Naomi Lake, founder and director of Full Circle, is an energy healer in practice for over 30 years. In her work she balances the body, mind and spirit, reducing stress and strengthening the body’s inherent capacity for well-being.
Friday August 19th 12:30-9:30pm
Height Area – Exact details shared by phone
To introduce people to advance wellness technologies and therapies. Consciousness training for all the Burners out there.
Donation Based Sessions and Sacred Journeys Featured Event Sacred Journey with Naomi Lake
6:30-9:00pm minimum donation of $50.00
Quantum Yoga with Mystic Physicist Alpha The Dog Lo
5:00-6:00pm suggested $7.00
Group Sound Healing with Jaya, Brent & Friends
3:30-5:00 suggested $7.00
Cross Technique Massage with Jacob, Jaya & Friends
1:30-6:00pm suggested $1 per minute
LIFE System Individual Assessments and Treatments 12:30-6:00 by appointment $125 for 90 minutes
BioMat & Didgeridoo Vibrational Therapy with Brent 12:30-3:30 suggested $45 for 30 minutes
FREE Introductory Sessions between 12:30 6:00:
Rife Machine Healing Information & Demos with Stas
Orgone Generators Introductions with Jason
BioMat infrared Therapeutic Bed Demos with Brent
Awakening Project Q&A; Session with Stas
Amazon Herbs and Vital Foods Network Marketing Education
With your RSVP & payment . We have a minimum required attendance to ensure we can procvide this valuable service to our Bay Area community. Credit cards accepted. We need your support to make this happen. This is a revolutionary experience your sure no not want to see pass you by. A great chance to share a special experience with friends.
MORE ON ORGONE…nindex.shtml
For the latest details go to: the awkening project tripe’s post on
worth signing up to for sure
exact event url
Naomi Lake and the LIFE system comes to San Francisco
Join Naomi for a talk on Consciousness, Healing and Technology. She will be demonstrating a cutting edge technology called the LIFE System. We are finding that the demonstrations are becoming very life enhancing within a conscious group… so bring your friends!
Naomi is available for individual appointments and consultations the week following the demonstration. Call to make and appointment, 719 588-1885. Learn more about Namoi Lake.
Shift Happens, 4530 18th St (at Ord) in San Francisco.
Monday August 15th from 7-9 pm.
Asking for a donation of $10.
Traditional Maori Healing
Te Oomai Reia
This is the ancient Maori art of healing passed down to selected family members from generation to generation. Te Oomai Reia can be gentle, rhythmic, light energy but often involves deep tissue alignment, pressure points, nerve centers and muscle tissue to stimulate the internal organs, bones, blood,muscles and the release of toxic build up and waste, relieve tension and pain in the body. This is replaced with positive, nourishing energy and vitality, increased circulation and muscle tone, balance and “soul lightness”. Each release awakens a radiant source of wisdom for the individual allowing one to engage in their life with understanding and compassion for the self.
Soon we will have four profound healers – Papa Joe, AtaRangi Muru, Ezard Tamaki, Terence Muru – visiting this area for the first time in nearly four years.
From Saturday July 30 thru Thursday, August 4
this profound – sometimes life changing – work
will be available in Concord at 997 Honister Lane
Sessions are already filling up. Call Will at 925-825-2974 or 925-325-3168 to book your time with these healers doing their amazing work. The investment in you is $150 – cash only. Session times are 10, 11, 12, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30.
The Awakening Project Launches Tribe
Visit our new tribe at
Sear Soma
A Sound and Light Temple Launch Party
July 16th 11am to 7pm
Visit them on the web
Visit Sera Soma’s tribe at
Most people close to me know that my dear father Casimir passed this year. To honor him I wanted to post this link and make it available to my friends at this time.
Global Reporting
Quantum effect moves machine
Explosive residue found on levee
Peak Oil is a Corrupt Globalist Scam
New company wants Mars colony
End Of The Bush Regime Nov. 2nd
Controlled Demolition of WTC Facts
The Coming Birth and Mass Ascension
The Moment Of Quantum Awakening
Children with a Different DNA Structure that do not get sick
The goal of this section is to inform visitors about sacred healing and consciousness expanding events we host and participate within. The community building aspects of our efforts are not discussed here although we invite your interest and financial support.
Join The Awakening Project Tribe on to stay informed of addtional key developments