
awakening project membership

Currently being that we have just launched the latest verson in June of 2005 we have only a few members. We will be adding a discussion group and additional community tools as we develop.

member comments

omni drewville
My intergalactic studies have proved that awakening to the coming omnidigm is greatly assisted by sites like this one.

R U Sirius? Sirius Media, The Omni Team and all friends and assocaites that have begun the incredible work of ‘Project Restoration’. This Meta-Project is a collective effort to bring visionary teams together to help restore integrity to the systems that influence life on Earth. Energy, Economics, Enlightenment/Spirituality, Education/Media and Entertainment are fundamental components to allow emergence from the planetary emergency.


deborah lovell
I come to this link to connect with resonate beings aware of the paradigm shift occurring on Terra. I welcome this opportunity to be here. Thank you.

clinton harvie
Wonderful! Beautiful! Everything! Let’s expand together!

I feel the power of your website strongly, and I am amazed at the connection I have to what your presenting, thankyou.

Nice site man, mainly I am checking this out totally into receiving info as a member. Give thanks and praise comtinually, respect and love.

Intelligent Infinity is an integral part of the highest synthesis of scientific, artistic and esoteric information. Join Stas and the Omni Crew as we integrate and cohere the freshest thought forms the plenum has yet to pulse. Pull up your socks, it’s about to get very interesting.

Synchronicity abounds – We all resonate on the frequency of love. I am here to guide, to love, to resonate truth, and to embrace, to share and to exchange, to express, to reflect, to bridge rainbows and to pass through gateways. I am here for you, I am you and you are me, I am another you. In Lak’ech. Love and Live in the Light.

I can tell that you are a Light-filled fellow visionary who is very in touch with his Loving. The purpose of the Community Planet Foundation is the creation and demonstration of planned cooperative ecological Communities that will enable people to live in greater harmony with themselves, each other, and the environment.


Fellow Vizionary Brother sending you the download of love and light.


alpha lo
a cosmic woof to everyone.


david evolving
Onboard for life and ascension…

paige luck
I am in awe… the site is so perfect for my studies! I even printed out the 12ingredients/teacher to show to others. The information has been super valuable for me because of the direction it has led me. I was so blessed to have met you.

jason cole
Orgonite Syncrosynergaesicalities.

Searching for my path and discovering means of learning about and serving the One Infitine Creator.

sean wensel
Thanks for finding me on tribe bro, I like what I see.

Guess i should join this fine group. your writing is truly inspired and The Awakening Project website seems like a great way to connect us for our future now.

michael dempsey
I had an awakening recently, I found your site and it has given me insight, I thank you for your message and wish to build a better future.

AlohA…Timeship Earth is on course, and of course we are navigating accordingly through intu yet another evolutionary cycle of life in the Universe. One Verse, the rhythym that beats through the eternal heart and pulses through infinit consciousness. Awaken to the projection of your higher s(elf). Peaceful Journeys… Always in Allways…

Your web-art collection here at The Awakening Project expresses with such eloquent clarity these important and elevating communications of higher level beingness. I am truly touched. I give Thanks and homage to the Spirit that you are, and your personal willingness to serve as such a channel for each of us, and for humanity.

Beautiful, creative website communicating an essential message.


I love what you have done with the site. I have yet to experiance all of your omnilinks, but I’m looking forward to it when I can make time to fully enjoy it.

andrew welch
Thanks for providing a wealth of totally absorbing information. Spiritual quests (seeking truth) is made easier by people like you.

sheila mccarthy
Greetings Stas & group: Just staying connected. All the best.

mike santos
Thanks for your selfless service Stas In deep appreciation.

stephanie sutton
I’ve got to tell you that your website is the best one I’ve ever seen. I mean it. It’s so totally beautiful and brilliantly put together and the content is of course, of the highest. Love, Steph

matt mazur
I love your website. Please check out my own offering…


terel gillerstrom
Haven’t had time yet to really explore your site, as I just found it. But I will thoroughly enjoy perusing it (and perhaps a newsletter) soon!

You have sparked my curiosity. Would like to know more.

russell boulding
Hello friends, Someone found my website in a search for “related to” your website. Thanks for your wonderful work.


jaya pacific
So grateful to share in communion with you and this community! This site is loaded with activated electricity! Well Done! May we continue to grow together!

I consider myself to be a light worker. My name “Ashtaraya” was given to me a number of years ago via an intense metaphysical experience. I would like to share with anyone who is reading a book titled “The Paradigm Conspiracy” by Denese Breton and Christopher Largent. I really relate to the content of this book. Thank you for letting me share with you. –

I found much of the information shared on this site to resonate greatly with my own beliefs. I feel a great connection with this project.

The goal of membership is to share how The Awakening Project has persoanlly effectived our members and aided to there awakening to be of service.

We are currently allowing financial support for the development of a global awareness center. This is being developed with a group of peers and is the beginning of a large scale healing and consciousness raising effort.Become a member

In addtion to comments that we share here we have created a tribe via to allow people to discuss and post feely anything that this site has inspired.Visit our Tribe

Contact us about joining our growing advisory board.